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Why I changed the name from Nican Tlaca Women Warriors to Mexican Excellence?


The more i learn, the more i grow. I understand the power of relatability and accessibility. Democratize knowledge, break elitism. We aint shit without eachother.

Osea let me explain....

I am so excited to share that i was finally able to change my youtube name! In an attempt to decrease the confusion and be better understood i have changed my name from Nican Tlaca (Indigenous) Womxn Warriors to simply MEXICAN EXCELLENCE. I have learned that the power of language matters but our power to connect is more important. I want people to relate and access everything that i am doing without getting drowned in the colonial constructions. The most important thing is to establish connection and familiarity. The rest and the gifts of decolonization will follow. I am COMPLETELY AWARE of the colonialist history of the term Mexican, however my purpose is to be relatable and use this platform to introduce the millions of Mexicans and other brown people grouped under colonial nationalities to the decolonial knowledge of our true identity.

For many years i felt that i had to live up to certain standards and the anxiety of being policed by machista activist leaders hindered my expression and true understanding of who i am. I was lost in the image of respectability, catholic morality (trapped in decolonial theories) and proper representation. In my growing years i've come to understand that NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LIMIT YOUR POTENTIAL AND WORTH because of their fear and intimidation of YOUR POWER. I have stopped minimizing myself and voice. I stopped giving people permission to belittle me and devalue my worth. This journey of revolutionary thinking and critical theories mixed with my activism and poetry has gently placed me here, at the doorsteps of a strengthenned and unapologetic me. Hi, nice to meet you.

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